One Cheap A** Tooth Fairy?

One Cheap A** Tooth Fairy?

It’s raining teeth in my house! It seems like every other day one of the girls is savagely ripping out teeth from their mouths. At times, I ask them if the tooth was even loose before the unexpected departure from their mouths. To me it was not a pleasant experience, ripping my teeth out. At times, I would let them just sit there because of how grossed out I was that it was wiggling and making that tearing sound/sensation in my mouth. In my house, with the loss of the tooth comes the “appearance” of the tooth fairy. Too be perfectly transparent, there is no REAL appearance of the tooth fairy….and while I think I probably could outdo Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as a tooth fairy, I do not have a costume….at this time. The girls all still believe he/she/me is real!


Oh F*CK!

Oh F*CK!

Let me paint a picture for you. I had it all planned in my head. I decided to take the girls to Brookfield Zoo for the day. I enjoy when they bring friends along as they normally all police each other and I am just a sheep herder. One of Mia’s friends from school was able to go with which made it that much more special.

Wussification of America

Wussification of America

Well I was going to change one of the letters in the title but I figure I might offend the majority of people so I went the PC route. This is a very true statement as I have seen a perfect example with my own girls….Circa 03/26/2019 @ ~1500! Let me break it down for you.

Milana came running in the house about that time saying Bella had been injured and was crying. Bella (aka Diablo) is probably the toughest of the three girls. While she still cries, she will shrug some stuff off with an “I’m Okay!”. She dusts herself off and back in the action. In fact, she is my little fighter. Diablo will actually take swings with some ferocity. I could see her future occupation as the next Bruce Lee, Good Fella or just general enforcer. My brother actually gave her a new name due to the way she carries herself and her deep voice – Lenny (Story for a different day). She will definitely be the one that could bring the beat down….so Jussie Smollet better be on the lookout from Lenny!

Netflix You Failed Me!

Netflix You Failed Me!

I’m sure this post will get me plenty of attention with all the haters out there that talk about limiting “screen time”. To them…I say SUCK IT! Unfortunately, my plan to use Netflix to my advantage almost failed me with Bella aka Diablo. Since I had a pretty shitty night on the Engine as detailed in my last post (A Senseless Act), I figured I could get a cat nap in while only Diablo was home with me.

I started off the day with sunglasses on (even inside) while I dropped Diablo off for a half day at school. I felt like I was hit by a Mack Truck due to lack of sleep but figured if I put my head on a pillow Diablo would have been forgotten about for many hours as I got my beauty sleep. I bitch slapped sleep back for a couple of hours by keeping my mind busy on other things. The time snuck up on me so quickly and off I was driving to go and pick her up. As I walked her back to the car, we had the following conversation:

A Senseless Act

A Senseless Act

This morning was one of those mornings that we as firefighters/EMS do not look forward to. It is one of the calls that you prefer not to be part of but is the reality being a first responder. Seeing these types of incidents really instills in my heart the great work that both law enforcement and fire/EMS service really do for communities.

Let me just preface this by this was arguably the worst incident that I have been part of since being promoted when it comes to loss of lives. I will not get into the details of the incident except from a general sense. The tones went off at approximately 0140 this morning for an accident with entrapment. When we arrived there were two vehicles. One that was on its roof and the other in the middle of the roadway. Both vehicles had heavy damage. To make a long story short, two lives were lost this morning and countless others were forever impacted by a senseless act.


The Newest Super Villain

Up in the sky…It’s a Bird…It’s a Plane….Nope it’s the world’s newest and most feared super villain known as the Tattler.  Don’t be fooled by their youthful age as they are some of the notorious super villains the world has ever seen.  Not surprisingly, the Tattler has taken on many personas especially in my house.  You better be scared because this Arch Villain can come out of no where.

Normally, the Tattler leads a normal life in your home, at least that is what happens in my house.  Interestingly, I have noticed that each of the girls can be infected by the Tattler virus.  Each of the girls has been fully capable of becoming the Tattler at any moment.  It is amazing too watch how quickly the Tattler virus can take over and completely derail the day.

So you are probably wondering what kind of superpowers the Tattler has.  Well, as you can imagine, they have the power to get other people into trouble.

Daddy Are You Pregnant?

Now while I am sure that men have been pregnant in the past, I want to assure you that I am currently not expecting a child…..for a couple of reasons.  First, Mary would wonder who the “donor” would be.  Second, she already informed me that three little dirty hamsters (Mia, Milana and Bella) is plenty in the house.  Last, I just don’t think I am such bad shape.

No….No…In fact, I know I am not in bad shape.  I have read the posts on Facebook of many women talking about “baby weight” and that they have embraced it.  Well so have I!  Equal rights right?  Why can’t I gain some weight.  My waist is a little thicker….My ass is moving toward a “ghetto booty”.  Alas, if I continue down this path, I will definitely start “twerking” and putting all you sadly mistaken ladies to shame!


Is It Time for School….Again?

I am thinking that most of the Fire Dads out there are excited about the upcoming school year.  While I love my girls, I have had plenty of “flash forwards” where all of the girls march their little butts quickly out the door, to the end of the driveway and onto the bus.  As of this year, 2 out of the 3 girls are going to be taking the bus to school.  Both girls seem pretty stoked about taking the bus and going to “their school” as Milana corrected Bella on today.
