This morning was one of those mornings that we as firefighters/EMS do not look forward to. It is one of the calls that you prefer not to be part of but is the reality being a first responder. Seeing these types of incidents really instills in my heart the great work that both law enforcement and fire/EMS service really do for communities.

Let me just preface this by this was arguably the worst incident that I have been part of since being promoted when it comes to loss of lives. I will not get into the details of the incident except from a general sense. The tones went off at approximately 0140 this morning for an accident with entrapment. When we arrived there were two vehicles. One that was on its roof and the other in the middle of the roadway. Both vehicles had heavy damage. To make a long story short, two lives were lost this morning and countless others were forever impacted by a senseless act.

This certainly was not the first time that I have seen death occur from a traffic crash while working and most certainly will not be the last. The furthest thing from my mind was trying to examine what had occurred. We had to do our job and provide care for the injured. That being said, the whole incident was put in perspective after being told what occurred per the video camera that monitors that intersection.

To me the most unfortunate part was that the individuals that died had just left a gas station after getting some snacks. As they drove out of an exit they were hit broadside by a vehicle traveling at high rate of speed…most likely the occupants did not know what was coming…..At least I hope they did not. The driver and passenger of the vehicle that was overturned were outside the vehicle and appeared to be doing okay. The most likely had been drinking. This was a senseless act! The other vehicle and its occupants were not as fortunate. Even with the great efforts to provide care, I was informed that both individuals died.

This type of incident just leads me to reexamine how quickly someone can be taken away at a moment’s notice and the importance of making every minute count with those individuals. As a dad, it really hits home when I think of my girls. Seeing what can occur both while on duty or off duty cements in my head that I need to focus more on them and let them know that I love them. Do not get me wrong, there are times when I want to pull my hair out due to some statements they they make or actions that they do but to me that most important part is just being there for them, watching them grow and become the great women I know that they can be. Sometimes I wish I could wrap them in bubble wrap and protect them from all of society’s ills…..but obviously that is not an option and I prefer DCFS to not be called. Until an option that is similar comes to fruition, I will focus on being their dad and providing them with as much love as I can.

Lastly, I wanted to make a shout out to all the great firefighters and police officers that responded to the scene for this incident. I am not going to name individuals as I will probably not get everyone….but you know who you are and your actions today. All these people (both police and fire) worked tirelessly together (while the rest of the world slept) and provided both hope for the injured and hopefully justice for families.

Such a senseless act!