So I have been putting some heavy thought into whether or not I’m a violator.  For the past six…almost 7 years, I have been provided 3 square meals per day, several snacks, unlimited water and a roof of heads for three little girls.  I’ve never spent more than 24 hours in prison but damn it that sounds like a pretty good life.  This was without having the “Triad of Doom” do any more physical labor other than cleaning their room.  So today was the day.  It was time to put the little “darlings” to work.

Kid Jail!

So being a big fan of Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Arizona, I needed to find a way for the girls to “pay their way” and their ever increasing debts with Daddy.  I could do what I planned and keep them in cages (let Fozzie sleep on their beds) but I figured someone would turn me in.  Society seems to frown on children being locked in cages these days.  How about putting leg shackles on them and then have them walk up and down I-90 picking up garbage in their little orange jump suits.   I’m guessing someone would complain as this is too dangerous for children.  I could have them at a busy intersection supporting a “fake charity” along with a box of Tootsie Rolls collecting money….Ah the cops seem to frown on this.  Too many ideas were dancing around in my head.

I finally decided that yard work was the ticket.  We were in need for a good spring clean up!  Interestingly enough…..the first question they asked was how much money were they going to get paid.  I thought a roof and 3 squares a day would be sufficient but they strong armed me into paying them money.   What they didn’t know is that this Fire Dad is a very skilled negotiator and that I never agreed to a “wage”.  While I know I could not work them for 40 hours without having a representative from the Illinois Department of Labor showing up, I figured I could get a good hour out of them without issue.  We immediately got to work.

What I have learned is that each of them wants to do what the other is doing.  That in mind, I had purchased three rakes.  I was thinking I was ahead of the game at this point.  I pulled the wheelbarrow to make their work easier.  I stood by cracking my whip in the air with a maniacal laugh.  “Get the work you little monsters”, I said.  “Do it now or there will be no dinner”. (I really didn’t say this but was definitely thinking it).  While they filled the first wheelbarrow, I lit the fire pit.  By the time it was done and over, we had filled out 20-30 full loads that were dumped into the pit.  It made one hell of a fire.  By the time we dumped the final load it was starting to get dark.  What was surprising was that they worked well as a team.  I gave them a goal of what I wanted accomplished and they NAILED IT.  While there was a couple of arguments during the process, it actually went quite well.

I thought I was safe but the little entrepreneurs would not let it go…..they wanted their wages.  I’ve seen that look before.  Had I not immediately came up with a fair wage, there would have been a public beating of this Fire Dad.  Fearful for my life, I quickly asked them what they wanted.  Mia’s response, “100”.  Mary said that she was not getting 100.  Mia started crying.  I said, “Honey, I can give you 100 pennies”.  She stopped crying and said that is what she wanted.  Mia had done some extra work prior to the leaves so she got $1.50….Milana and Bella each received $1.00 each…for about 1 hour worth of work.  That’s what I am talking about!

What do you think?  Was this too early for some money for some work?  Should there be an allowance?  At what age is it appropriate?  Let me know below what you have done because I am still wondering what might be best for the girls in the future.

So…When are you going to do me the favor of liking our Facebook page?  If I get 10 new “friends” this week, I will release the girls from their cages for a while.   So what is it going to be?????  Cages or Likes on Facebook…Your choice people????