OMG….My girls are full of drama.  There are plenty of times that they have turned on the dramatic performances that would be worth of Academy Awards.  It is fun to hit the “bullshit” button on them and the tears are turned off just as quickly as they all started.  Out of the three of the girls, there is one that takes the cake for personal bests when it comes to turning up the drama.  She is only 5 but Milana is a Drama Rockstar!

The most recent “performance” occurred at the doctor’s office.  Milana was in need of her kindergarten check up.  Prior to going, we (Me and Mary) knew that she was in need of four (4) shots.  Let’s just say there is no way in HELL that I was going to listen to her whine and get her anxiety level up.  How did I know this was not going to go well with shots?  Well first, I hated shots and I also was the middle child.  When the “S” word came out of the doctor’s mouth, I would turn into the Incredible Hulk.  It would take the entire office staff to hold me down enough stick me with one needle let alone 4.  Second, Milana had to “donate” some blood last week as well.  She was not happy with the needle going in but got through it….BUT…after an hour of being home, she began to cry saying how much the site hurt.  It was all about turning on the waterworks to try and get sympathy.

Turning back to Milana’s exam.  She was in good spirits at first.  She was singing and laughing when the doctor was not there.  She was a little quiet when the doctor came in.  We continued to talk about vaccinations with Milana saying that she needed them.  We made it to the end of the exam when the doctor said, “Well, looks like you need some shots.  Well the good news is that everything is condensed to two shots.”  OH SHIT….the doctor said the S word not once BUT TWICE!  Milana’s face dropped and she probably turned three shades of white.  The drama works were in the making.  We told the doctor that we were using the vaccination word instead so she did not know what was coming.   I think she felt bad being the bearer of bad news so she brought in a basket of suckers.  Little did they know they were gonna be Milana’s suckers!  Needless to say, two thigh pokes and probably some well deserved tears and we were done with the shots.  The performance was about to begin.

Let the Drama begin

Milana stood up and was walking out the door (probably as quickly as she could).  She was getting her standard pick of stickers as a good will token.  She then looked up at the woman that stuck her and said…”I think I’m going to puke”.  Well they did not want vomit all over the office so they gave her a “barf bucket”.  Guess what…No puke.  They assisted her to the bathroom and the nurses quickly were putting cold water on her face and neck area.  Guess what…No puke.  Now the pinnacle of her performance.  I was trying to walk out my little diva when one of the nurses asked if she wanted to lie down and have a popsicle.  I’m like WTF.  I never got this kinda support during my shots….maybe I should have not tried to rip their arms form their sockets!  Needless to say, Milana got her own room….a blue raspberry popsicle AND a brand new sucker because she already licked the other one.  Well, I guess it worked for her because they never had the Milana Drama Tsunami hit them before…Maybe in the future they will trust the parents and let us deal with her “puke”.

Do us a favor and have you and ALL of your friends like our Fire Dads Facebook page.  I’m kind of upset because we did not get 15 new likes in the past week so I’m holding back from giving you a picture of me in my King shirt…or maybe I should take that as that you really did not want to see it…NAH that could not be it….OK….Well, like us on Facebook or else I send the puke monster Milana to unload her puke tsunami on you!