Bed time clothing for the girls

Happy Bedtime?…Don’t let the smiles fool you.

It ALWAYS happens. The kids know their bedtime (2000) but they always seem to push for a little more time. They are normally in the middle of some “VERY important activity” that needs to be completed before putting their heads on pillows. It could be a karate match, a balloon game, watching the latest episode of their favorite show (that they have already watched 100 times), they become agitated that I suggest that it is bedtime. It doesn’t matter what their activity as they need to make sure they can squeak some extra time. I truly believe they think they are going to miss something monumental that happens after they fall sleep. I have attempted to reassure them that I would work on my Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake dance moves only while they are awake. They do not seem to either believe me or just don’t care because their behavior continues to this day.

Bedtime turns into a full on negotiation with some of the best in the business. It sometimes feels like I’m a hostage negotiator with some of the best in the business. I’ll say, “Girls, you have 10 more minutes.” Their response is “15 minutes”. You think I would learn by now and say five minutes and have them respond back at ten. I think that I will need additional training from some top people in the FBI to make bedtime normal.

I know all of this is normal behavior as I did the same thing with my parents when I was young. It must be part of training while at pre-school.  While the behavior is considered normal, experts suggest that bedtime can be more “normal” if you take some predictable steps which walk the children down the “night night” time path. Moreover, this same suggestion actually makes it easier for adults to enjoy more restful sleep. While you do you need to make a plan, each plan is going to be different depending on your children’s needs.


We have a “Pre” warm up to get the girls into bed on time.  Think of this as your pre-game prior to Monday Night Football.  This part is usually pretty normal as it requires a bedtime snack.  Normally speaking, the girls like to have a couple apples cut up.  They prefer it when Mary cuts them up as there are more apples to go around.  I try to explain to them that they get the same amount when I cut them into eighths.  Unfortunately, they are still of the mindset that more smaller pieces means they are getting more.  Fortunately, this same argument works with money.  A roll of pennies goes a long way!

When the snack is done, it is time for the second leg of our bedtime ritual.  This has the girls putting on their PJs, brushing their teeth and go potty.  Thankfully there are not too many hurdles in the second leg….unless of course someone falls over the hurdles.  Sometimes we are required to play the referee for ANY issue.  Should we not fulfill our duties, hostilities between the girls might heighten OR there might be a slew of tattling which rivals any Olympic doping scandal.  First, make sure that each has EXACTLY one half of the step stool when brushing their teeth.  If one encroaches even 1 cm off center there is going to be a fight.  Second, comes the issue of an overtired child.  This can be the biggest challenge as the girls become overly emotional.  They will cry at the drop of a hat and then add a nice dose of stubbornness and you have a recipe for an extended bedtime.  The experts suggest that children are quite tricky when they are overtired.  They act normally and then a small trigger will set them off like Mount St. Helens.

If you were successful to making it this level without too much an issue.  Here is where the fun starts.  Each girl has some expectations at this point.  First, they want to be carried to bed.  It is not just a simple carry though.  All of them jump up onto our bed.  Then the fight is on.  They all want to be taken to bed last.  To be perfectly honest, I am not really sure why.  Sometimes it comes down to me having them guess a number to pick their position.  I then have to carry them like a princess; apparently, they have watched too many Disney movies.  THIS IS REQUIRED.  During the carry, I obtain my

Bella getting ready for bed

I Do Not Plan on Going to Bed Easily

hug and kiss for the night.  The next thing is the pinky swear, “Pinky swear, pinky swear, I love you. Pinky swear pinky swear stay in bed.  Pinky swear pinky swear go to sleep.  Pinky swear pinky goodnight.  Pinky swear pinky swear don’t let the bed bugs bite”.  I then proceed to tickle them which is their expectation.  Thankfully, I have not tickled them too much.  Next  is the rub and scratch of their backs.  I have to rub their backs and then scratch them.  You cannot scratch too hard or too light.  God forbid you cut your nails that day….you need to make sure you adjust your scratching techniques.  Last, you need to turn on their nightlight.  It stays on for a short time and then turns off automatically.  At last they in a holding pattern with Mr. Sandman.

Word to the wise here.  You really need to follow this ritual in our house or you will pay the consequences.   While we have grown accustomed to their needs, the babysitters sometimes do not follow “protocol”.  The kids will then proceed to play games with them by talking, getting out of bed or just being PITAs.  Our successful babysitters are aware of their plan and follow it.  It makes for the best possible night and quiet time at home.

What are some bedtime rituals that you have at home?  What types of things have you tried and that were successful?  Better yet, what have you done that did not work so well?  Keep the conversation going below!  Also, please do us a favor and like us on Facebook.  We are pushing for our tenth like on Facebook….Please help us out!!!!!