I am thinking that most of the Fire Dads out there are excited about the upcoming school year.  While I love my girls, I have had plenty of “flash forwards” where all of the girls march their little butts quickly out the door, to the end of the driveway and onto the bus.  As of this year, 2 out of the 3 girls are going to be taking the bus to school.  Both girls seem pretty stoked about taking the bus and going to “their school” as Milana corrected Bella on today.

While I am excited that they are making the movement into their new classrooms, I do shed a tear as I see them growing so quickly as another year quickly passes by.  I remember when I was younger….well much younger and always wanted to speed the clock up to reach those milestone moments.  It was the moment we could stay up later…..a driver’s license…..the ability to drink….the first house….etc.  Now with those as distant memories, I keep hearing my dad tell me that I should enjoy my time as a youngster as it seems like the clock starts to accelerate as the years seem to accumulate and more crows feet seem to adorn my eyes.  I told my dad…”Dad, but if only I could (insert milestone), my life would be so awesome!”  Try as he might, his words fell on deaf ears as I had ideas, ambitions, aspirations….oh and the attitude to push toward that new milestone.  So guess what I have caught myself saying to the girls.

I preach the words that my dad said to me.  I tell the girls that they need to enjoy being young and all the experiences associated with that.  What seems like an eternity is actually only a blink of an eye.  Their response….just like me…and probably most of you is that I do not know what I am talking about and how it will be more awesome if they were driving….or 3rd grade…..or well you get the point.

While tomorrow marks their new adventures, I will be unavailable as I am on shift tomorrow but I anticipate that Mary will be taking many pictures and videos as its Milana’s first time on a school bus.  Mia promised to show her the ropes and I’m sure she will do a great job.  I’m guessing it will even be emotional for Mary as she sees the doors close on the bus tomorrow as we then anticipate the other milestones in each of their lives.  She pretty much cries at this stuff anyway :)~~~