The Importance of Individual Time with Kids

Psst….Come in a little closer because I have a secret for you.  No…A little closer.  Ok…Let me lay it down for you.  The secret is that all children are different and they need their individual time with their Fire Dad.  Whoa this is earth shattering and dogs and cats are now living together.  I might be a little slow on the uptake but this finally has hit home for me by watching the girls behaviors and my most recent meeting with Milana’s teacher.  I finally have realized that each of the girls needs to have their alone time with me so I can see who they truly are.

Bella Feeling Special at School

Bella Feeling Special

The struggle that we have in our house (and it is no where near as nutty as some other people’s schedules) is that we always seem to be doing “something” and have no time that is dedicated to each individual child.  Mia goes to school, comes home at about 1545 and then we spend at least an hour on homework – several books per day that she needs to read, math pages each day and then other “special projects”.  I do not remember this level of homework when I was a child or that parents have to be so involved with homework.  Now on top of this you have to fit baths, dinner, parent job things and “other” activities into the schedule before a bedtime of 2000.  I really am fascinated at how parents get this done on a regular basis.  Sometimes I think I am continually stuck in a loop like in Groundhog’s Day.  I feel like I am more worn out at home than I am working at the fire department.

Unfortunately, with all this time spend with Mia, diminishes the amount of individual time with Milana and Bella.  I thought we were doing a good job with giving individual time with all the girls but I was WRONG!  My wake up call came recently when Milana told Mary that she “did not fit into this family”.  Additionally, her teacher advised us that Milana was doing really well in school and appeared to not being challenged.  These two things lead me to making some changes in how much interaction I have with the younger two so as to have her find her space in the family.  I now realize that I need to focus on spending individual time with Milana and Bella as well.

Why Individual Time is Important

First, it strengthens the bond between a parent and a child.  I’m guessing that it is easier with one child since they would receive all the time with their parents.  When you have multiple children, there is a constant struggle with the finite time that exists.  The more the kids, the less individual time for each child.  Just like we enjoy individual time with our friends, the same goes for children.  In groups, we act one way and completely different on an individual basis.  Children will open up about things that normally would not be talked about in a group setting.  This “opening up” leads to a stronger bond with the child and has them find their place in the family.

Second, individual time with a child might cut back on attention getting behavior.  As stated previously, children are fighting for a parent’s attention whenever they get some have you as an audience.  They will do things that normally they would not do because they want to capture your attention.  We have had instances where the girls will do something just to see how we react to their behavior.  They know what they are doing is wrong but they want a response.  Some experts suggest that children would take negative attention if that is all that they are getting.  If you provide them with a positive response and experience, the level of negative behavior would diminish.

Third, individual attention will build up self-esteem in “quieter” children.  Some kids have issues with self esteem.  Using the individual time to your advantage, you have the opportunity to build and reinforce your child’s self esteem.  They have an opportunity to know they are special and that your love and attention are focused directly on them.  With the girls, Mia is my introvert, Milana is my extrovert and Bella is just a future terrorist err I mean a good mix between the two.  I can see a difference when time is spent with each girl.  By taking the time to spend that “individual” time with the quiet child, you have an opportunity to draw them out and stop them from hiding in the shadows of their more extroverted child.

Fourth, individual time provides an opportunity find out your child’s desires and  needs.  Sometimes, their little voices get overshadowed with all of life’s daily activity.  This gives a parent the opportunity to focus on what is going on with the child.  It is almost like putting the child under a microscope to see what makes them tick.  I have sat down with Milana and realized that she really wants to do spelling the words like Mia does and wants to read her books.  She is a confident and very smart little girl that just wasn’t heard before.

Last, it gives you the opportunity to really get to know your child.  It is quite interesting when the girls come home and we try to talk about what happened at school.  The conversation really has all of them competing for time so you never get a full story of what happened.  We seem to get bits and pieces from each girl and try to recreate it.  We find that if we don’t have that one on one time with each girl, we do not find out what happened or what is going on with them.  An example of this (believe me there are plenty), was with Mia and an issue at school.  We could tell that something was wrong since she arrived home from school.  In front of the other girls, she did not offer any information.  We finally found out she had issues with classmate at bedtime when she got alone time with us.  Needless to say the problem resolved itself but she was unwilling to talk about it until alone with us.

The bottom line is that parents need to find the time to make individual time with each child happen.  Will it happen every day?  Will it happen with both parents without fail?  Well….I do it everyday without fail.  LIE!  I know it is a priority and try to set aside time with the girls so I can make it happen.  This is something that I will focus on to try and make individual time with the girls a priority.  I need to put down my computer and put other things on hold until this important time is taken care of.

What Can You Do?

Milana working on a project in the art room

Milana Working on a Project

So how do we find time in our day to make this individual time happen?  Surprisingly, it does not require tremendous effort on a parent’s part but just needs to be individual time with one child.  Initially, it might be difficult but setting up boundaries with the other kids so that they know it is “special time” with one child is important.  Some activities that you can do include:

  • Exercise – take a walk around the neighborhood together, sit-ups, jumping jacks, push ups, etc.  This is a benefit for both of you!
  • Chores – have them make up their bed with you, work with them to fold their clothing, put items away into pantry together.
  • Read – Find their favorite book and curl up together and read together.  Take turns reading to one another.
  • Projects – Things need to be done around the house.  Kids like to help and see what you are doing so now is your opportunity to bring them in individually.
  • Errands – Take one child with you to run errands…just make sure you switch it up so that each child rotates into the “special child” position.
  • Games – Play a good game of checkers, connect 4, or other special game!
  • Cooking – Have a “special cook” for the night where one child ends up helping the chef make the food for everyone.

What other ideas do you have for activities?  Leave a comment below to help other people make life special for their little ones!


Easy Ways To Find Individual Time With Your Kids (& Why)

Fire Dads Tips for Being a Better Father to Your Daughters – Part Duex

Well if you are staying up with us….this is part Duex (I’m trying to tickle your fancy with the language of love; for all you other barbarians like myself we are at Part 2) .  Catch your self up on Part One by clicking here.  For the rest of us it’s time to move on to the sixth tip on being a better father to your daughters.

Be Respectful of Others

Woman Talking on Phone While Driving

JAJ – Just Another Jerkoff

One of the biggest challenges that I am seeing in the girls is that they are developing their own self images.  Even at young ages, I see how they are looking at the clothes they are wearing and the things that they are saying at home.  Based upon what other parents have told me….this only gets worse especially for women.  Let me just say that women can be MEAN.  While we can be like a bunch of hens at the firehouse (cackle cackle cackle), there can be some tremendous venom that comes from the ladies.  What gives me pause is that now with four women in the house….It means I need to get another male dog to take some of the lickings!

My best bet here and for other the other Fire Dads that have daughters is that we need to be careful of what we say to others….especially women.  I wish I could say that I am an expert in the matter….I’m much more a novice in this area.  I make comments all the time (quite a bit when I am driving and have the girls in the car with me).  This is an area where I need to work.  Who would have thought they would have understood the word “jerkoff”.  Putting it into context that they heard it….Woman is driving next to me playing with her phone, putting on makeup or reading a book while driving.  My response, “Pay attention to the road you jerkoff”.  Not thinking that I have been heard, I think nothing of it until about a week later.  I am again driving and this time only say, “Geez, learn how to drive”.  Bella’s response, “Daddy, is she a jerkoff?”.  Oh how their minds are like sponges.  While my immediate response is to tell her “Wow, honey you are so observant”….I figure this will be frowned upon….Especially if she uses it in pre-school.  This one will take me some time to work on self control and try to filter my anger.  The last thing I want to do is have an effect on their self image since they all are watching to get an idea of what to expect from people.

Share Hobbies

It is important have have some commonalities between a Fire Dad and their girls.  It is just like any other relationship, you need to have these to crate a strong connection or bond.   It is a great experience now as they are really starting to explore the different kinds of activities that interest them.  I do enjoy watching them do their sports but cannot always participate with them.  When they first started in gymnastics, a parent would need to be with them to keep them from wandering around the gym.  It was fun to see them having fun.  Since they have been getting older, now they do the activities with their instructors.  We have done gymnastics and karate in the past.  Currently, we are in swimming and basketball.  I try to be with them as much as I can with attending their practices/training at the health club.  I also will try and bring them a lot to the water parks so that they can have more fun in the water.  With the basketball, they do not allow the parents in the gym with the kids; too much of a distraction.

Back at home, the world revolves around three things…..dolls,  ART and music.  The epicenter for all activities was once known as my man cave.  Let’s just say I have been emasculated and it has become a Barbie palace, art room and a music studio.  While some other parents I know have dedicated space and draw a line that defines areas as their own, I keep moving the my line further and further back.  I’m loosing my land to the girls….They have bamboozled me and taken over “my basement” by eminent domain.

Barbie Driving Naked in a Car

Welcome to Barbie’s Nudist Colony

Alright….I want you to think of your worse Barbie nightmare….and multiply it by ten.  Come down to Barbiepoolza and you run the risk of losing your head literally.  Moreover, it looks like Barbie and her friends have all joined a nudist colony as the majority have been completely stripped down and frolic around with all of their other naked friends; driving, walking around the house or a night on the town – naked is the way to go!  I almost feel dirty climbing over the casualties that have just finished with their latest “party” at the playhouse.  I have not done too much playtime at the playhouse but maybe in the future as long as my dolls stay clothed.

A Big Mess in the Art room

Vomiting Art Monster’s Lair

The art room is the other exciting area in the basement.  I think it is important for the kids to express their artistic talents.  The girls have access to everything that screams art – crayons, colored pencils, glue, paint and all the other art supplies.  Sometimes, I am asked to come down to view an art show…other times I am allowed down to do art with them… my former work room.  Wanna see what it looks like when an art monster vomits?    My little artists are very good at doing their art but not so good to clean it up.  I like hanging out with them and doing some artwork with them.  They seem to really enjoy their time doing their “art projects” with me….Sometimes, I am lucky to even get one made specifically for me which makes me feel special.

The other special thing that we share is that we pump up the jam.  I have created a music playlist with songs that they like from Amazon Music.  Each of them picks a song when we are downstairs and we all sing along and and choreographed dance moves in to impress the others.  You think Justin Timberlake has a chance against me?  Hell no…I am Michael Jackson.  You think Pink has a beautiful voice?  Just wait til my little songbirds start spreading their wings.  My little multi-taskers enjoy doing their art and singing with me.  Bring it on NSync, Michael Jackson, Jojo Siwa, Pink, Shakira, Maroon 5, Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson and the rest….We can out sing you any day.

With six and seven making quite a splash, we will have to save the remaining three for part 3.  Stay turned, like us on Facebook and Unleash Your Hero at Home!

Fire Dads Tips for Being a Better Father to Your Daughters – Part 1

Yeah…I know what you thinking.  “Mike with six (6) years underneath your belt, how the heck could you provide any tips on being a great Fire Dad”.  Well I’m here today to debunk you naysayers with all my wonderful credentials

  • I have a PhD  – NOPE
  • I am a licensed psychologist – NOPE
  • I am a counselor of sorts – NOPE
  • I have countless years of experience (parent, grandparent, etc) – NOPE
  • I deal with children daily (well sometimes at the firehouse)
  • I have a license – YES – Illinois Driver’s License

Well now that I have your attention and you know that I am well versed to give you advice…LET’S GET STARTED.  Here is my TOP TEN TIP LIST on being the BEST FIRE DAD. (more…)

Am I a Princess?

Is it true?  This Fire Dad is becoming a woman?  Well it might be true if you see the types of things that are considered feminine.  Take a look at these criteria below to determine how I fare when battling my inner princess.  Will I end up a princess……or a macho Fire Dad?

Using Beauty Products

The experiment on blackhead removers

Blackheads Anyone?

Let’s just nip this one in the bud right away.  I know there are plenty of guys that will sing the accolades of getting their “manis and pedis” done on a regular basis.  Some are very concerned that their cuticles are in perfect form and their hands are soft as butter.  You will not find me at the local nail shop anytime soon as I find better ways to spend my time and money.  However, I do like to watch some of the videos on Youtube where they use beauty products to do some pretty badass things.  I think we can all agree that watching videos where some idiots will do things like waxing and so on will make you giggle.


Have You Been Emasculated?

How to Lose your Man card

Emasculated at Home?

Who would have thought that this word would come into my vocabulary.  Some friends might say that it happened the day that I was married but I believe this truly was chipped away with the birth of each of my girls.  Activities that were once reserved and showed that you are a man…only stripped away….day by day by day.

You won’t see me upset like most guys that cannot do things that are dominated by “males”.  Want me to open a jar?  I’ll get it even if I have to run the damn jar over with a car.  Win for me.  Success in career?  Hell no.  I am comfortable with the idea and Mary and I both work and have the same end game.  Could it be that I had to move back in with my mom?  Nope…never had to do that either.  What could cause destruction to the man ego?  Pretty simple…..I have to sit down to pee!  Laugh it up all you haters….All I know is that I do not have problems with pee stains all over the toilet.  But how did I get this way?

Fozzie the Labradoodle

Fozzie – My Male Buddy

I know it is surprising but with the exception of Fozzie (the Labradoodle), everyone in my house finds it to be a challenge to stand and pee.  For some reason, women have failed to adopt peeing all over the seat….and they don’t have the shake issue either.   One might believe that keeping our toilets clean would drive a person to sit down to pee BUT have a little respect people…I am not that weak.  The true reason is coming up!

All I hear is “Daddy, [Insert Child Name] did [Insert Offense]”.  This happens countless times throughout the day.  As I look back to my childhood years, I do not remember telling on my brother as much as the girls do now.  As any other parent, sometimes it is nice to “hide” somewhere in the house.  The Anti-Cheers – A place to call your own where no one knows your name.  The girls have a bathroom radar that they are quick to follow to the bathroom.

It seems anytime I need to travel to the bathroom, they come up with a “Eureka” moment that they need to tell me about.  They walk right in to the bathroom and sit and have a conversation with you.   I figured my personal “aroma” would keep the animals at bay.  Boy was I wrong!  I’m thinking my stench draws the kids in like flies.   I see what you are thinking.  “Hey idiot, why don’t you just lock the door”.  Well they have figured out how to defeat the door locks for the bathrooms.  So as I’m doing my business they go on and on….and on…..and on….and on.  I just sit there hoping that it will soon be over.  The peace of the bathroom has definitely been destroyed.

Where did they pick this behavior up?  Oh ask their mommy.  Sometimes I think she wants to solve the world’s problems by having a conversation when I am trying to slip away.  Take a shower?  She comes in?  Take a shit?  She comes in.    Somehow she probably orchestrated this plan to stop me peeing all over the seat.

Needless to say, no one knows at the fire station….. so please don’t pass it on.  I can still stand at the urinal and no on is the wiser of my home life.  You will probably tell so…..I’ll leave my man card on my way into the bathroom.



Pequeño Diablo – Maribella

Bella aka Pequeno Diablo

Pequeño Diablo

I’m scared.  Better yet, I’m petrified.  Three girls with three distinct personalities.  Today, the issue is with my little trouble maker aka Pequeña Diabla (Little Devil), Bella.  She can be sweet as pie at one moment and then turn into the Little Devil in a blink of an eye.  Cross this little girl….Tell her what to do….Tell her she cannot have something  and you know that trouble is right around the corner.


What is funny is that she has everyone at her preschool snowed.  They think she is the sweetest little girl but I am thinking they do not see her in all her glory.  The see those beautiful little eyes and that curly hair and their defenses go down.  Heed my advice everyone….This little girl is a firecracker.  I think Mrs. Lee (current teacher) got a glimpse of her “thugness” earlier this year but I think with all her giggles and cuteness that I fear that is all but a memory.


I’m Going to Live Forever

Nail Polish for Fire Dad and the Girls

Look at Our Pretty Nails

Whoa!  What?   Did I just find the fountain of youth?  Am I a relative of Juan Ponce de León?  No, you silly gooses (I mean geese).  I might be a little overzealous in my statements but it appears the research says that I will lead a longer life due to one thing that I consider important…especially with three little animals…errr I mean daughters!  It is my ability to laugh at myself!


What I Miss While at the Fire Department

Mia and Milana 2014 - Fire DadsIn a previous, I briefly described how a Fire Dad benefits from a job in the fire service.   I am going to focus specifically on the time benefit that is afforded based upon our schedule.  While there are different schedules that exist in the fire service depending on what department that you work for my current schedule is the 24/48.  For those non-fire people, that means I work for 24 hours and am at home for 48 hours.  This schedule can provide so many benefits but can have its hardships as well.


I am…..Michael Jackson

I am harassed at home.  My girls have been very mean to me for quite a time.  I have been carrying this burden for far too long so now is time to spill my emotions all over you.  It has become so bad that their friends have now joined in the harassment and I think I’m going to get some of their teachers in trouble for failing to stop the behavior.  It has become so severe that Mary has decided to take their side and harass me as well.  I am…..Michael Jackson.


Is Manscaping Dead?

Okay…First I would like to apologize to everyone that does not have this issue within their fire station.  That being said, I think that this problem touches all of our lives on the 24 hours in which we work.  The issue has been a constant issue that plagues my fire department in virtually every station that I have been.  It’s the issue of a shedding of the man fro aka Man Pubes!

I’m not sure if many of you pay attention but throughout the day, I need to use the restroom.  As such, I still maintain my dignity (even with three girls at home) of using a urinal.  The calling comes on strong (sometimes at the last minute or while I am sleeping) that draws me to our bathroom.  I quickly unzip the fly ensuring that I ensure the safety of the franks and beans.  Much easier to do so now than when I went commando.  Thanks to the boxer-briefs!  TMI?  Well as Maui from Moana says…”You’re Welcome!”
