Bella aka Pequeno Diablo

Pequeño Diablo

I’m scared.  Better yet, I’m petrified.  Three girls with three distinct personalities.  Today, the issue is with my little trouble maker aka Pequeña Diabla (Little Devil), Bella.  She can be sweet as pie at one moment and then turn into the Little Devil in a blink of an eye.  Cross this little girl….Tell her what to do….Tell her she cannot have something  and you know that trouble is right around the corner.


What is funny is that she has everyone at her preschool snowed.  They think she is the sweetest little girl but I am thinking they do not see her in all her glory.  The see those beautiful little eyes and that curly hair and their defenses go down.  Heed my advice everyone….This little girl is a firecracker.  I think Mrs. Lee (current teacher) got a glimpse of her “thugness” earlier this year but I think with all her giggles and cuteness that I fear that is all but a memory.

She is fully capable of being the sweetest little thing.  Moreover, she can say things in such a way that sounds sweet but you just know there are some ill intentions behind them.  For instance, she told Mary, “Mommy, I love you so much, I would never kick you in the face”.  Well….Are you not the sweetest little girl in the world.

I honestly believe that her mood is controlled by something similar to ADHD.  I will get the “Daddy, I love you!” and little less than ten minutes she says something like “I don’t like anybody”.  The funny thing is that she can turn into her angelic form once again in just the same fashion.  Is this normal for a child (especially a girl) to turn from angel to devil?  How could I have known that this was going to be her future?

Bella in a Good Mood

Joyful Bella

My girls really enjoyed the movie Inside Out.  In the movie, you get to see a little girl who is controlled by her emotions.  You sit in with the command center with the four emotions:  Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness.  The girls have watched this movie a countless amount of times.  The girls have each told me which emotion they like the most.  Which one do you think Bella chose?  If you guessed Joy….you are WRONG!  If you chose anger, you are a winner!

So why does this behavior scare me?  Its very simple.  She shows up in our bedroom at all hours of the night.  She enters without sound and stands by the bed.  She could probably be there for hours without you knowing.  The only time you know that she is there is either she pokes you in the face and wakes you up or you wake up to find her standing there which scares the hell out of you.  Why is this an issue?  Because with her ninja tactics, she can sneak up on you and you would never know.  She knows when you are at your most vulnerable….See the picture now?

She is also pretty fearless.  She does not care if you are six foot or two feet.  When she wants to impose her will there is no stopping her.  Take for instance a cruise that we went on.  Two little boys were being mean in the kiddie pool.  Mia and Milana came up to us and told on them (which they are both good at by the way).  Bella stood her ground and said, “You be nice Boy!” and shook her finger at them.  The boys looked at her….and they stopped.  Must have been the red eyes and the devil voice that scared them.

Adding to her stealthy and fearless behavior is her stubborness (which I’d like to say, I gave her).  She will not budge even when she looses a privelege.  You cannot take things away from her because it is not a motivator.  I’ll take candy away…She doesn’t care.  I’ll take her tablet away…..She doesn’t care.  I’ll take a stuffie away…..It does not matter.  So how do you break her of a habit if she has nothing that she feels she is losing.  I guess I could tell her that I’m taking away her legs but she’ll find a way to crawl instead.

Ugh, I’m hoping this is a phase with her but I think this is just part of her DNA.  She is a sweet little girl with her smile, giggle, laughs and curls.  I love her very much and enjoy spending time with her.  I just fear when her anger emotion comes out and she turns into Maribella, the Pequeño Diablo.