I’m not an advocate for violence.  I prefer to walk away when things start to get heated.  I figure it is not worth the aggravation that goes along with getting into a fight (verbal or physical).  I was not always this way.  I was definitely game to start getting physical or verbal talking some trash.  Those times had passed a while ago…or so I thought.  A event that happened today kind of stoked some coals and the eyes started glowing red to the point that someone needed a certified USDA Grade A bitch slap.

The place was McDonald’s Crystal Lake.  I know you are probably not going to give me the Dad of the Year award after having that for dinner.  Well the kids had a sleep over and that was the only place that the kids could agree on.   The reason for that one is they have a playland.  I get to kill two birds with one stone:  the animals all get fed and they get to burn off their energy so it’s an easy sell for bed.

This trip was different.  There were plenty of kids already there.  Looking around I saw a couple of small groups then a larger group of people with some VERY large people in it.  To go further, this group gave the white trash population a bad name.  I got to see the some really tight clothes that probably were made for people for people much smaller.  I’m still amazed to this day of the “strength” of spandex.  This was probably their yearly outing from eating squirrel and alligator in their house down by the water.  They were definitely dressed to the nines.

They had a group of about 8-9 kids with them.  The kids seemed fine at first but I noticed that they were starting to block the use of the playland area from other kids.  They sat at the end of slides and wouldn’t let any other kids come down.  The girls and their friend attempted to play around them but the WT kids were calling them “jerks” and spitting on them.  I had all the girls come back and they were pretty upset about how the other kids were playing.  It turns out that it was a group of three kids that were really the problem.   Being the bigger person, Mia told the parents of the child how they were misbehaving.  The response from the dad was that they should just not go by the kids.  Well easier said then done as the playland is not enormous and they continued to have interaction.  The girl then caused more problems as Mia tried to tell her to stop.

Then Mia came back crying to me.  She told me that one of the girls (oldest about 8-9 yo) had hit her.  At this point, diplomacy with idiots did not help.  I’d had enough.  I told Mia that she had to deal with the words.  I told her she needed to stay away from the other kids.  I then told her that if the girl hit her to go ahead and hit her back.  Probably not the best advice but I’m not going to have Mia or any of the girls be a punching bag if the parents do not want to step in and stop bad behavior.  Mia’s response surprised me.  She told me “Dad that is not right.  I’ll get in trouble”.  I guess I was proud of her for not sinking to my level.  I told her that I would back her if she chose to do it and that some people are always going to be bad people.

Well I’m sure you probably continued to read thinking that an all out fight occurred.  It didn’t.  Thinking more about it, I figured it would be best to leave.  Some people are just going to be assholes and its probably better that a fight not happen as much as my “early Mike” wanted to kick in.  We ended up leaving with Mia being very upset that people could be like that.  Thankfully, a little more discussion and Mia finally calmed down and the trip home was uneventful.

Sorry about the rant….but I do not understand this lack of just being a decent human being.  I’m not gonna lie….having Mia haul off and crack this little asshole would have been epic BUT it’s probably better that it didn’t happen.  On to another day!

As you can probably tell…..I need some help…Right now a quick like for our Facebook page is what I need….DO IT NOW, or it’s time for a BITCH SLAP!