Things were getting a little quiet around here.  Three girls and a dog just are not enough in this household.  What is important to note is that Fozzie and myself are a little outweighed in this house.  Now while that “time” has not occurred where all the women start their “sync”, there was a very special need to have more of a balance in the household.  In other words, there needed to balance in the Force (you’re welcome for the nerd reference Troiani:)~~~

So to balance the hormones in the house required a new addition.  Welcome baby Gonzo!  While he will never walk on two legs, he is a pretty bad ass little fella.  When Mary mentioned this was a possibility due to a new litter from the same place that we got Fozzie, I was all in.  The nice thing was that he was making a pilgrimage from Iowa to drop a dog off in New Lennox.  Thankfully, his route came right by our exit.  He ended up stopping by with a ton of puppies!

I wanted to make this a very democratic process.  I figured the dogs would show up, the girls would like the dog that I wanted and that is what we would get.  Unfortunately, it did not turn out quite like I planned.  The breeder showed up.  Mary told him we were looking for another male Labradoodle (yeah…another male!)  At least that was a step in the right direction.  He ended up about five males for us to choose from.

To make a long story short, I chose a playful little black fellow that seemed to be pretty friendly even with the neighbors that ended up showing up to see the litter.  Milana picked a Chocolate Labradoodle….Mia picked a white one and Bella was indecisive just switching from the white one and the chocolate one depending on which sister was sharing at the moment.  A good dad would have chosen between the ones “adored” by his daughter’s.  A good dad might have even bought them both.  A good dad would want to see a smile on his girls faces!  Well screw that!

Fortunately, when you are a bad ass like myself you carry this thing called the Fire Dad Veto!  I ended up taking the friendly little black one which NO ONE wanted.  I tried to explain that I have a good track record for choosing the right dog.  I tried to explain that I knew what I was doing.  Yeah…that was an epic fail.  Mia started crying she would never love Gonzo because it was not the white one that she wanted.  Milana was not happy either (the damn brown one was the runt!).  Bella was upset that I was not listening to her sisters.  I am an evil dad!

Fast forward one week and guess what????  I made a GREAT decision.  Mia holds Gonzo like her baby.  Milana carries him around like her own little doll.  Bella is just happy there is a dog that is smaller than she is.  He seems like a solid little puppy and is smart as a whip.  So what is comes down to is sometimes dad knows best…and in this case it appears to be the case.  Welcome little Gonzo…I’m sure you will add some memories…as soon as you stop shitting on the carpet!