This is the second installment to help all you Fire Dads on raising your daughters.  If you missed the first one, you can find it here.  You know you should catch up on all of my posts as I build upon my “vast” knowledge on parenting that you can implement immediately (might not be your best option in some cases).  In this post, I plan to follow up on other things you need to know to ensure you daughter grows up the right way!  So let’s get it on!

Daddy Always Knows Best

I wish most people would realize this to be an absolute.  Men use logic and reason in their decision making and this gives me ALL the right answers in all cases.  NOT!  It’s kind of like looking in the mirror and seeing myself with a ripped body, six pack, and Brad Pitt face when in reality I have a muffin top, 4 abs that show up when I really suck it in (2 are currently lost underneath my baby fat – thanks kids), and man boobs.

My real belief is that the girls need to have the ability to hear from both me and Mary (uggh she is never going to let me live that statement down).  As young as they are, they are each developing their own personalities have in most cases can make good decisions.  Not surprisingly when you have so many women in the same house, I am regularly overruled.  As much as I HATE to lose, I try to let it go and not dwell on it when the girls have their own opinions.


Don’t Shame Your Daughter’s If She Is Not Girlie

As I stated above and in previous articles, each of the girls are very individual in nature and what I would call “works in progress”.  They are still trying to figure out their likes and dislikes.  They seem to change on almost a daily basis.  For instance, my best Box Elder Beetle catcher used to be Mia.  She had no fear on grabbing these little pests, carrying them to the toilet and giving them the big heave ho.  I would intentionally look around for them so that I could watch her “hunt” them.  I know this is gross but she got a little heavy handed at times and sometimes came out missing wings or legs before they met their watery grave.  This is the polar opposite to Mary who almost has convulsions when a bug or spider needs to be captured.  She starts making a sound similar to a cat with a hair ball.

It is my entertainment after saying “No” when she asks me to handle it.  Unfortunately, my former beetle catcher Mia has fallen victim to her mother’s “disease” and she won’t capture bugs for me.  Thankfully, Bella still will help capture and dispose of those little bastards Box Elder Beetles

Daughters Like Many Things – Not Just Girlie Stuff

I am not into forcing the girls into doing anything.  My only requirement is that they participate in at least one activity to work on relationships and get some extra exercise.  Some parents that I watch will only put their daughters into “girl” sports.  I do not have them same mentality.  After watching the Women’s Team USA Hockey Team take the gold this year, I am game for anything for the girls.  They have done gymnastics, karate and are all currently in swimming and Mia is playing basketball.  If they decide they want to play hockey, lacrosse or become MMA fighters, I might be a little apprehensive at first but would probably allow them to try it.

Out of the girls, Milana is the one that is most girlie and is not into getting too dirty.  She likes to play with dolls and dress up and having on bling (I pity her future boyfriends – Diamonds, Fine Dresses and Nice Girly Things).  Mia is more into helping me doing things around the house.  She assisted me putting mulch into a wheelbarrow and moving it around the yard.  She’ll pull up her sleeves and get her hands dirty if she wants to try something.  Bella is probably the most extreme non-girlie girl out of the three.  This little bruiser will probably be my future MMA fighter and her poor boyfriend will probably have “unexplained” black and blue marks and fat lips.  Whatever they want to do or try I will support them because I want them to explore life and enjoy being kids and young adults.

Emotions are Normal…..

Ugh this one is rough for me.  I’m not a very emotional person and call out the girls when they are being overly emotional – probably not the best thing to do.  Mary says I am very robotic with my response due to my lack of emotions.   Apparently, this is not overly beneficial to girls according to some of the respondents to the survey.  It has effected them negatively and created issues with their fathers.  I count on Mary to provide more of the emotional support as I am not sure if this is something that can be learned.  My goal out of this is no longer to laugh and point at them when they are being emotional.  Well I don’t point but I do call them out if they start crying during a movie.  Such a bad dad!  I will allow them to enjoy their emotions like the movie Inside Out!

There were other ones that they talked about in the article but they do not really apply at this point in my life.  For instance, do not make comments about your daughter’s bodies.  Some fathers make comments about their daughters boobs.  I don’t know if I’m alone but I am not looking at my girls now or in the future and making comparisons of their body parts to their friends.  That to me is a little gross.

If you want to read the full article, you can find it here.  OH and while you are reading it or after you have finished, why don’t you go back and give us a like on Facebook so we have more than 3 friends!  If you don’t, I will make comparisons of your man boobs versus your best friend!