So should I expect the girls to be the next contestants on Shark Tank?  Will they soon be in front of the likes of Barbara Corcoran, Lori Greiner, Sara Blakely, or Bethanny Frankel?  Well maybe I am shooting for the stars too early but what I saw and heard about over the last two days made me very proud.

So I get a call from Mary about the kids.  She said that they “set up shop” at the end of the driveway.  I did not think too much about it at first because I figured they set up a lemonade stand which is pretty normal for kids to do.  Well that went out the window with the “shop” that was setup at the end of the Chalet driveway.

First, let’s talk about what precipitated the whole idea.  I figured Mary had her hand in the setup.  She said that she was sleeping and awoke to them at the blocking the end of our driveway.  She said she had no idea that they were going to do it nor did they ask for ideas on what would be a good business to start in the neighborhood.

The next interesting part was the table that was used to sell their “wares”.  They did not have a table or chairs.  They were going all out ghetto with their plan.  I had a box that I was going to put in the recycling bin.  It was a fairly large box so it could accommodate all the girls.  For chairs, they used their baby carriages and they locked the wheels so they did not roll into the street.  On top of the box, they had their Easter baskets which held all of the items for sale.  Last but not least, one of them was standing up waving their arms around and trying to attract passer bys.  They reminded me of a Venus Fly Trap….Just waiting for their next victim to land and BAM….You spend money!

So what did they have to offer?  Were they offering items that people would be lining up for?  Wait!  Are they just finding random items in the house and selling it at their fire sale?  Would the Subaru be put on the selling block for $1?  They all think that a couple of dollars is all you need to have to live on.  The Subaru would definitely fetch a $5 in their books!  Thankfully, they only used things that they had in their rooms.  First, they had their leftover Easter candy.  Each piece was individually wrapped “with care” and was fetching a price of $.20 per piece.  I wish I had that kind of markup.  Other things included a tornado guide that I had received during one of my training classes.  I gave it to Mia because “she needed” it.  Well…it too was on the selling block for $0.20!

Thankfully, we have some great neighbors that purchased items at the shop.  The girls made a couple of dollars and were tickled pink.  These purchases also led to them going out the next day.  Unfortunately, they ran out of customers but that did not stop them from thinking outside the box.  They came up to me and asked if they could go door to door with their “stuff” and sell it to their friends?  Knowing I did not need the entire neighborhood coming to my house with pitchforks and torches, I decided to tell them “NO!”.  Well, they did not upset them too much.  They decided to take a break from the sales “frenzy” and play a game of beach volleyball.

Today did not turn out as good as Sunday but it did show me that the girls have the entreprenuerial spirit.  I hope they continue in their efforts of starting their own enterprises.  I fear what might be next but I also am looking forward to seeing what they come up with as I’m sure it won’t be conventional.  These are the things that make a Fire Dad proud of their kids when they show no fear in all of their endeavors!

I hope you make your way over to liking our Facebook page….otherwise, I cannot guarantee that your personal items might be at my next garage sale!  So do it today!!!!